Is stock market risk right for your retirement plans?

Is stock market risk right for your retirement plans?

By Cathy DeWitt Dunn

If you are like most people, you probably have a substantial part of the money you are going to rely on in retirement at risk in the stock and bond markets. Maybe because you think you have to play the market to keep up with inflation, or maybe because you simply haven’t been told there is another way. Or maybe because you don’t know your strategy is likely to fail.

We invite you to learn more.
Click here for a free 30 minute Webinar On Demand:

Stock Market RiskThe truth is, the market has changed and the traditional draw down strategy brokers have used for decades simply isn’t a safe bet anymore.

Tune in to “Wall Street vs. Growth & Income Strategies” to learn why longevity and market conditions are changing the way we look at retirement in the 21st Century.

The good news is…there is a better way to plan for retirement income, and we can help you protect and grow your retirement nest egg while creating income that keeps up with inflation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear you can protect yourself from financial ruin in retirement, grow you retirement income over time, AND leave more money for your spouse or children. We think you’ll be surprised by what you’ll learn!

Warmest regards,

Cathy DeWitt DunnCathy DeWitt Dunn
Founder & President
Annuity Watch USA
DeWitt & Dunn, LLC
15455 North Dallas Parkway
Suite 240
Addison, TX 75001
972-473-4700 Phone
972-499-7990 Fax
866-904-4700 Toll Free


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