A Fresh Look at Retirement | Inflation-Protected Income Analysis

A Fresh Look at Retirement

By Cathy DeWitt Dunn

Working with annuity experts –– like us here at Annuity Watch USA –– can make a huge difference when it comes to how much income you’ll enjoy in retirement.

When most people are thinking about retirement, they typically miss the mark on two key points…longevity risk and inflation. That’s why we recently collaborated with an actuary to develop a planning tool that can help you see retirement income in a whole new way.

Our Inflation-Protected Income Analysis is much more than an ordinary income quote. Your customized report will show you how many years you are likely to need retirement income (probably much longer than you think!), as well as how inflation may erode your purchasing power down the road during retirement.

You will also see a side-by-side comparison of a static income annuity plan with an increasing income plan, and – with all of this information at your disposal – you can determine which option might be best for you.

Over the years, we’ve helped thousands of people like you discover better alternatives for guaranteed lifetime income. We invite you to order you own custom Inflation-Protected Income Analysis and let us show you how you can create retirement income that can keep up with inflation.

Remember…with Annuity Watch USA, you can dream big, rest easy and be assured your money will last throughout your lifetime. We’re looking forward to helping you meet your retirement income objectives.

Warmest regards,

Cathy DeWitt Dunn
Cathy DeWitt Dunn
Founder & President
Annuity Watch USA
DeWitt & Dunn, LLC
15455 North Dallas Parkway
Suite 240
Addison, TX 75001
972-473-4700 Phone
972-499-7990 Fax
866-904-4700 Toll Free


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