Annuity purchase with 401k IRA rollover at 59 1/2 years old

59 1/2 – The Magic Age for Retirement Income Planning

By Cathy DeWitt Dunn

When most people hit the magic age of 59 ½, retirement is just a few years away… and it’s time to get serious about putting a plan in place that provides guaranteed retirement income––income you can’t outlive.

However, it’s just as important to protect your assets from any losses! Your safe and secure retirement will depend on it. That’s where a Fixed Index Annuity comes in.

Join in and listen to this week’s podcast from the Annuity Experts at DeWitt & Dunn Financial Services Radio and Annuity Watch USA and learn:

  • How a fixed index annuity protects your money against ALL stock market losses…while still providing safe exposure to a portion of market gains
  • 59 1/2 year old trigger event – how to do a 401k Rollover into an IRA
  • What keywords to use to make sure you do not trigger a taxable event
  • How to look at your cost-basis to determine your portfolio performance
  • Whether you can really afford to ride the stock market rollercoaster if you’re looking to retirement in the next five to ten years
  • Why it’s a good thing for you that Enron happened!

If you are over 59 ½ or are approaching this milestone, Cathy and Matt can show you how to move your money into a position of safety…with an opportunity to grow it, too!

Contact us today to talk with Cathy about protecting your retirement savings. Or, request a free Income for Life Plan today to find out––without a doubt––how much all or a portion of your hard-earned nest egg can generate in guaranteed lifetime income.

Click below to listen in!

Annuity product guarantees rely on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurer.


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